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Generosity 2023

Writer's picture: Alex LargeAlex Large

Dear COTHA parishioners,

As we enter into the Fall, our staff, vestry, and finance committee begin to make plans for the new year. During this Generosity Campaign, we ask for your financial estimate of giving or “pledge” for 2023. This pledge not only guides our ministry activity but also indicates to us the support and faith you have in the mission and leadership of Holy Apostles.

Thankfully, we are reaching out to you this year in a time of membership growth and ministry expansion. Our average Sunday attendance, the best indicator of vitality, has been steadily increasing all year. I am happy to report that our attendance has matched and, in some cases, exceeded our attendance before the pandemic. In addition, we have welcomed 77 people into our church through our new member classes this year alone.

And with this growth in attendance, we have also grown our ministry programs. There are now three Adult Formation classes on Sunday. Our student ministry offerings have grown with discipleship and formation programs happening throughout the week. Our Children’s Sunday discipleship, known as Kids Formation, now breaks into age-specific groups during the 10:30 service. And our new Family Worship service is thriving, having just celebrated its 1st anniversary. And finally, we launched Alpha this fall with around 60 guests a week.

As our programming and attendance increased, we hired Stephanie Thomas to work with Membership and Engagement. We are also looking to hire an additional clergy member next year to push further into discipleship and care for our church and the surrounding community. This will allow us to continue to preach the gospel and love our neighbors as Christ has called us all to do.

However, we need your financial support to match our increase in staff, ministry activity, and attendance. Jesus said where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Your giving to Holy Apostles reflects your thankfulness for what Christ has done for you through His church.

May I ask you to increase your giving for 2023? Our staff and vestry are committed to the biblical principle of the tithe, giving 10% of our income back to God. If you are not yet tithing, would you prayerfully consider increasing your giving to move closer to the tithe?

When you give to Holy Apostles, you are not only giving to the needs and ministry of our church but to outreach and support for churches and ministries throughout Texas and the world. COTHA herself tithes to support the work of the Diocese. On top of that, a portion of our operating budget goes to our many local and international outreach ministries.

In short, making a pledge to Holy Apostles is a relational and vital way of answering Jesus’ call to “love one another as I have loved you,” (John 15:12).

Please go to and click on “pledge here” to make your commitment.

And do not hesitate to ask Donna, myself, or our vestry any questions about your giving or the church’s finances.

In Christ,

The Rev. Alex Large

Generosity Committee members:

Melissa Fuentes

Ucheoma Longe, Senior Warden

Donna Matthews, Administrator

Michael Thompson


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