Welcome to Extreme Home Makeover!
This morning, we visited Walmart and purchased many supplies for the house to add to the furniture donated by Sus Hijos. We shopped in small teams and had so much fun choosing items for the family.
In addition to towels, plates, storage bins, etc we were also able to buy groceries to fill their pantry. Just like on HGTV we 'staged', or decorated everything inside, making the house a home. We placed items for each individual on their own bed.
Speaking of beds, Sus Hijos works with other organizations, and in this case, the mattresses were purchased from an institute for the blind. Once the house was ready, we grouped around the family outside, explaining our mission to bless others as we have been blessed and praying over them. Then we presented the key as well as a Spanish bible signed by our team and a wall Cross, and the family entered their new home for the first time.
The look on the teen boys' faces was pure joy. They were especially delighted with the bunk beds, as they had to share before, and no one really had any personal space. Their three-year-old sister got on her bed to examine her toys and clothes, and she did not leave the bed for the next couple of hours! Their Grandmother made a video call to their Mom while she was working to show her around.
In the afternoon, we supplied bags with about 15 lbs of staple foods (rice, sugar, beans, etc.) along with used clothing, shoes, and toys to the community where the family lives. We broke into groups and prayed with every family for their needs that they shared with us, helped by the Sus Hijos volunteers with translation. The experience was emotional and the Holy Spirit was definitely present.
In the late evening, we assembled food bags with sandwiches and snacks and headed out once more on the pickup truck to feed the homeless. We learned that a 12% chance of rain means bringing a raincoat. Despite getting soaked, we were able to feed over a hundred people and serve them tea. I was acutely aware that while we got wet in the rain, these people were continually exposed to the elements.
As we work here in El Salvador, I know that we cannot do everything, but we can do something, and I am grateful to everyone at COTHA and our friends for the generous gifts that made it possible for us to do our part in God's Kingdom.
Your sister in Christ,
Janevieve Parks, El Salvador Missioner