I pray you are all doing well. It has been a truly amazing year so far.
God has blessed you, the members of our congregation, with the gift of generosity. You have given of your time, your talents and your finances. It is because of your response to the call to use your gifts that we have been able so far to accomplish the mission God has given us. That mission is to be a biblically faithful community that connects people to Christ through love in action. You have indeed done it this first quarter. We have seen a growth in our congregation and an increase in our budgeted revenue. Indeed, as you generously give, you are blessed in return.
Because of your first quarter giving, we celebrated Easter with great fanfare welcoming 200 more people than we had last year, our family worship is growing exponentially, and we are in position to host and scholarship many summer programs for our kids and students.
Because of your time and talents, we hosted two workdays in the spring accounting for over 100 volunteer hours, we’ve added members to our ministry teams, and our budgeted expenses remain below plan.
Thank you! Without your generosity, none of this would be possible!
Click here for your giving statement year to date. If you haven’t submitted a pledge for this year, please prayerfully consider setting one up. If you haven’t taken advantage of online recurring giving, you can do so here. This is especially helpful for planning and budgeting resources for the rest of the year. It will enable us to continue the programs we love and reach more people, sharing the Gospel of Christ’s love and grace.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.
Dr. Ucheoma Longe, Senior Warden