Who we are...
Church of the Holy Apostles is a Biblically faithful community that connects people to Christ through love in action.
This statement is packed with meaning and explains what we believe and why we exist. It guides our decisions about where we invest our time, talents, and treasure. Embedded within this statement are several key elements about our identity that are worth exploring:
Biblically Faithful – We believe that the “Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation, (Article VI BCP p. 868)” and will be our source for preaching the Gospel and teaching the church.
Community – We are a multicultural community that believes that God has created us to be closely involved with one another, regardless of our history, where we are from, or what language we speak. – 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Revelation 7:9
Connecting People to Christ – We believe that God desires to enter into a personal relationship with those created in His image. As a church, God has given us the resources we need to help fan the flame of relationship between people and Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 3:14-19; Ephesians 1:3-14
Love in Action – We believe that God is the very definition of love and He eternally expresses who He is through action. As those created in His image, we desire to be people who demonstrate the love of God in our actions to those inside as well as outside the church. Our greatest desire is that our acts of love will draw people into a personal relationship with their Creator. – 1 John 4:7-21

Our Focus
We are called to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,” Psalm 96:9.
Our worship combines a blend of the rich traditional liturgy of the Episcopal faith along with contemporary music and praise.
The process of teaching people as they become followers of Jesus Christ.
We endeavor to provide a wide variety of opportunities that teach biblical truth to all ages and stages of discipleship and formation.
Sharing the message of hope in Jesus Christ to a broken and dying world.
As a Gospel imperative, it is best evidenced through our love in action. We seek to show God’s love in action through annual adult mission trips to Guatemala and Africa along with regional youth and adult mission activities.
We believe that families and youth are central pillars to our church and community.
We strive to strengthen all families by providing them with a strong Biblical spiritual foundation and formation through our educational and social activities which are centered around basic Christian values.
Our Story
Church of the Holy Apostles (“COTHA”) began its life as a “mission church” in a local living room of the founding pastor in 1994. Members called some 20,000 unchurched families in the Greater Katy area. In March 1995, COTHA held its first service in a local middle school cafetorium and continued services there until July 2000, when the church moved into its new facility located on the Grand Parkway. Three years later, a building project expanded the building to its current configuration. COTHA has always been a dynamic, welcoming, multicultural, multigenerational, family-centered church. These qualities continue to guide our mission and vision today.
The Episcopal Church
Holy Apostles is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion and a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. The word “episcopal” refers to governance by bishops. The historic episcopate (bishops) continues the work of the first apostles in the Church: guarding the faith, unity, and discipline of the Church, and ordaining men and women to continue Christ’s ministry. An Episcopalian is a person who belongs to The Episcopal Church, which encompasses churches in the United States and 16 countries. The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Formed originally from the Church of England in the 16th Century, the Anglican Communion is the third largest communion of churches in the world.
The Holy Scriptures are the revealed word of God, which inspired the human authors of the Scripture, and which is interpreted by the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Nicene Creed is the basic statement of our belief about God.
The two great sacraments given by Christ to the Church are Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
The teachings and beliefs of the Episcopal Church are articulated in the "Outline of the Faith" and in the 39 Articles of Religion in our 1979 Book of Common Prayer..